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Thanks - Day 95

W11D53 (Wednesday) . Half day and now I am on my Thanksgiving vacation. Today I got to enjoy students without the feeling that I am...

Day 94

W11D52 (Tuesday) I found today to be the longest day, but also the day during which I found my ability to spark imagination again. I...

Day 93

W11D51 Monday What a day! Two of my elective students got stuck in the elevator! My first grade had one kid screaming as the teacher...

W/E 24

Saturday - It has been a productive day and we went to Whole Foods and More Than Words to return packages (and buy a few groceries). ...

Intuit - Day 92

W10D50 (Friday) This week, though short seemed very challenging. Behaviors of students are and the fact that 1st grade inclusion is...

Snow - Day 91

W10D50 (Thursday) First night I didn't have to stay after school. It may our first snowfall tonight. It smelled like snow today and the...

Casting - Day 90

W10D49 (Wednesday) It was our casting rehearsal and we had a full hour and a half. I need to find a parent to help and that will go into...

Easy - Day 89

W10D48 (Tuesday) . Today was the first day back. I was calm for the entire day and I had not a lot of challenges today. RA in Ms. M's...

Ex/W/E 23

(Monday) . Veteran's Day and I am relaxed as can be. Back to work tomorrow.

W/E 22

(Sunday) Low key day and easy to relax. Not much to say.

Tenacious - W/E 21

(Saturday) Tom and I went to downtown crossing today for shoes, gloves, and charge cord. Then we went to Spyce for lunch and came home. ...

Wisdom - Day 88

W9D47 (Friday) I am exhausted and brain dead. But the day went super. And the week is done. is a three day weekend. What has...

Proud - Day 87

W9D46 (Thursday) This was the day of the art club and here is a photo of parents helping us. Mr. Pizzi the new art teacher was there...

Casting - Day 86

W9D45 (Wednesday) First day of Disney; well actually, second. But we took a two-week break. Now the hard part happens...choosing who...

Take Charge Tuesday - Day 85

W9D44 (Tuesday) My knee was working well today, on election day. It rained heavily as I biked home but I did it and I am so happy that...

Backward - Day 84

W9D43 (Monday) I had a great (with reservations) Monday for a change. It is hard to compare this week to other Mondays, because my...

Serenity - W/E 20

(Sunday) The reality of my work has become more real this past week. The student that I am focusing on is, in the words of one the...

Ready - W/E 19

Got a lot accomplished and am ready for a jam packed week that includes: two rehearsals (CAD/Disney) parent art club gathering doctor's...

Renewal - Day 83

W8D42 (Friday) Today Tom helped me get my pvc piping to make the flats for the stage. Right now I have enough pipe to create two, and if...

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