W22D112 (Wednesday) Today is a very challenging day on top of the fact that both my stage manager and my music director cannot make rehearsal now the choreographer is out sick, which means I have 40 plus students to manage a low that I got over and had a plan, and now that plan is overturned by the fact that I have to substitute for the dance teacher who's not going to be in the rehearsal so I have to take my planning period. And I won't be able to work on what I had planned to work on. And just feeling a little overwhelmed. In fact, tears would come to my eyes If I had had any water to drink today and I haven't. I'm tired. I'm feeling grouchy I'm feeling, feeling so overwhelmed. And when is it my turn to say enough. Lots of teachers take time off they go places they do things. I feel a little bit boxed in right now I feel unappreciated and overworked. And of course, that could be okay. Were it not for the fact that I still have to keep going. I still have to make this rehearsal count. It's not like I can just go okay well we'll just wing it for the rehearsal now I have a lot to cover. And I have to scale it back and re invent how I'm going to do things. So I guess, in the long and the short of this, I should say, I'm coping. I don't have time to be upset. And I'm going to break down tonight and cry. Pretty sure of that.