W17D89 (Friday) Every day is show day. Today elective students setting up for Curley assemblies. They are my stage crew, and are really learning to complete tasks by listening thoroughly, problem solve, and work as a team. This has been a learning experience for me, as an educator, as well. On another front, I will be going through the costume closet backstage, and actually organizing it. The next thing will be to explain to our costume crew how to effectively use resources; cut when you have a pattern is the way to waste less. They are still a little scattershot when it comes to using and organizing supplies. My idea is to get those shoe size plastic storage boxes and put their supplies into labeled cases. It is in an effort to instruct them in not mixing and thereby wasting supplies, which has been happening more than I would like, this fall. I want them to be an efficient and cost effective crew as a general life lesson as well. And so when I buy new supplies from here on out, I'm going to do what the early childhood educators do.
I think one of the ways that I have gotten better at my teaching craft is the realization that my preconceived notion of what I envisioned would work doesn't always happen as I had hoped. Therefore, the only way to properly scaffold a lesson is to stay in the moment and watch your students carefully.
n, label it and make sure that when they're done with the particular material, they put it back in that then that way we always know where our supplies are, and we always know where they go back.