How I approach my first day of classes is emblematic of how I feel for the rest of the air. Today I have only one class-first grade at 10:40 am. I am going to try to get them to write their name tags, challenge them to make a line from shortest to tallest, lead them to their "X" on the floor, have them see how long it takes them to get to those spots (challenge 1) have them pair and share-"what I wish my teacher knew about me", then write it and share out, with the class, then write a post-it with this idea (written one or two words) and put it on our board. Then we will have challenge 2 (getting back into spots), a warm up, play back to back and end with a reverence (thank you teacher, students, music, audience, friends, and and and) Good Bye. I might not be able to do the activity yet, because I don't have post-its but this will work next week with all classes. This is a start.