Yesterday and today are my days to just rest up and get ready for the week. The pace of what I have been doing is so intense, that it will be critical for me to formulate a way to carry that rigor forward to the students, but also to myself. I have about two more weeks before school starts again and the pace of the year doesn't allow for much planning. I look back to how I felt a week ago when I went to services at St. John's. This is how I can learn to be my most productive during the year, remembering how much I can undertake, when I am not frozen with fear and immobilized by indecision. The practices that I have started, journaling, vlogging, blogging, and tweeting, are practices that I intend to continue. It gives me a trail of what has happened and a public record of what my thoughts, actions, and self-realizations have been and how that informs my teaching and my life. It will be a year of fellowship shaped work and life.