Right out of the gate, I have an injury. I twisted my knee and it was evident it was hurt from the pain when the "twist" occurred and the mere fact that I am having problems walking today (Tuesday). Fear has entered in again:
1. What if I can't continue?
2. How am I going to walk around New York?
3. Will they let me continue the program if I can't do it "full out"?
Now that I have had a night's sleep (was very tired yesterday):
Yes-it still is swollen and hurts
No-it isn't worse than yesterday; it is a bit better
Yes-I can walk a bit better; just have to take it at my new speed
I won't let this stop me. I did New York last summer on crutches. It isn't the injury that is getting in my way, it's the fear. Fear is a killer and fear has sidelined me all my life.
It isn't going to stop me now.